In our information security strategy, the primary focus is on protecting our clients' data.
VAR Ltd.'s information security strategy is defined by the fact that we handle a large volume of client data due to our operations, which:
Holds significant business value,
Contains personal data subject to legal regulations,
Collectively represents greater value (and risk) than the sum of individual data (accumulation effect),
The integrity and confidentiality of this data influence our clients' performance and reliability in fulfilling their obligations to their customers.
Accordingly, the security of our activities is a significant customer expectation. Protecting our clients' data with respect to confidentiality and integrity is the primary focus of our information security strategy.
The success of our organization is determined by the creative solutions and ideas we implement to meet our clients' needs. These solutions and technologies are therefore also important, protected assets for us.
At the same time, the professional expectations related to our systems require a high degree of flexibility in our support activities and internal operations. In these areas, we consider the availability of information to be a fundamental aspect. To this end, we ensure openness within our organization and make the necessary information accessible to our employees for their work.
Continuous Risk Analysis
Through systematic (FMEA = Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and consistent risk analysis, we assess the value and vulnerability of the information we hold and implement proportional measures.
To maintain a well-functioning information security system:
We establish a complex defense system that allows us to manage the entrusted and our own information with sufficient security and flexibility. The defense system includes both technical and regulatory elements.
We monitor changes in the regulatory environment to ensure compliance with these requirements at all times.
We continuously monitor potential new risks arising from technological advancements and the corresponding defense systems.
We supervise, evaluate, and develop our system accordingly.
We raise awareness among all our employees about the importance of information security, potential risks, and protective measures.